19 Stats Reshaping the Recruitment Industry


19 stats on recruitment trends.

Recruitment best practices are always changing.

Between job-seeker preferences and emerging technology, there are some new recruitment trends your company needs to consider.

And one of the best ways to study new trends is through research—so that you know all the statistics that will help you refine your hiring decisions.

Because if you don’t look at the research, someone else will. And they’ll acquire the talent you wish you had.

But don’t worry…you don’t have to do any research yourself.

We’ve gone ahead and done that for you.

Today, you’ll read about:

  • 19 recruitment statistics that you need to know about to land top talent.
  • How your hiring process should change to maximize efficiency.
  • How job seekers have changed their preferences in recent years.

This list of recruitment stats will be broken down into the following five categories:

  • Challenges
  • Remote work
  • Job postings
  • Onboarding
  • Technology

Before we get into the list, let’s look at the current state of recruiting.

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Struggling To Hire Is the Norm

Landing good talent has become increasingly difficult for organizations.

These days, top candidates have a plethora of options to choose from.

Because of that, they can afford to be a little pickier about who they decide to work for. Or who they even bother applying to for that matter.

According to a recent report from XpertHR, recruiting is the top HR issue for 89% of employers — up by 23% from the year before.

HR challenges for 2022, by %


Although landing talent is a big challenge for organizations, 69% of them still expect to increase their workforce in 2022.

Right now, it’s a dog-eat-dog world out there.

If you take a lackadaisical approach to your hiring process, you can’t possibly expect to accumulate a staff of highly motivated and talented individuals. That’s just not how it works.

Like anything in life, you get what you put in.

How the Research Will Help You

Well, let’s put it this way.

When companies carry out marketing research, they do so for a good reason: They want to understand consumer behavior and preferences.

Because, over time, new trends reshape an industry. And your customers expect you to accommodate for these new changes.

Now, in the context of your recruitment process, the same principle applies.

You see, what worked ten years ago doesn’t necessarily work today. Okay, maybe some things never change, such as offering a high salary.

But for the most part, things have changed.

By doing the research and reading about recruitment statistics, you’ll know what the main challenges are and how to face them head-on.

As soon as you’re done reviewing the research, you’ll be one step ahead of your competitors who haven’t taken the time to review the latest statistics.

For them, they’re stuck in the past and will inevitably get swept away in the flood of a changing hiring climate.

Meanwhile, you’ll be sitting on a beach with your feet up high and a margarita in your hand.

Like in any aspect of business, either you adapt or you go to the wayside.

It’s your call.

With that, let’s start with statistics that deal with recruitment challenges.


Recruitment Statistic #1: 80% of Employers Say Skills Gaps Make Filling Roles More Difficult (Monster)

It’s becoming harder and harder for employers to fill open positions due to a lack of a talented applicant pool. According to Monster’s recent survey results, the top skills employers seek from candidates are:

  • Dependability
  • Teamwork/Collaboration
  • Problem Solving
  • Willingness To Try New Things

Recruitment Statistic #2: 56% of C-Level Executives Say Hiring Is Their Organization’s Top Challenge in 2022 (iCIMS)

With job seekers holding all the leverage, execs are sweating over how to fill their open positions. iCIMS’ “2022 Workforce Report” shows that more than 1 out of 2 organizations are most concerned about hiring.

Recruitment Statistic #3: 23% More Employers Are Experiencing Hiring Challenges in 2022 (XpertHR)

Compared to 2021, HR professionals are more likely to be worried about filling their open positions in 2022. And this just points to the fact that the labor market has changed substantially due to COVID-19. Job seekers have bigger demands.

Recruitment Statistic #4: 56% of Workers Are Looking for a New Job (Bankrate)

In a mid-2021 Bankrate worker survey, 56% of respondents stated they would look for a new job within the next year. But it appears that the majority of people looking for new work are younger people (18-40 years old) who make less than $30,000 per year.

Job seekers want flexibility, higher pay, health benefits, and more from their next job. To learn more, read 11 Things Job Seekers Want From You in 2022 and Beyond.

Job search likelihood, 2021 survey.


Remote Work

Recruitment Statistic #5: 68% of Millennials Are Happier With Remote Work (GoodHire)

According to a recent survey from GoodHire, it was found that nearly 7 out of 10 millennials prefer working from home. Not only that, but 50% of Gen Z and 58% of Gen X workers also report being happier working from home.

Boomers on the other hand are a different story — with only 37% preferring remote work.

Remote work impacts happiness by generation.


Recruitment Statistic #6: 64% of B2B Buyers Are Investing More in Web and Video Conferencing Tech (TrustRadius)

What this recruitment statistic tells us is that clearly, the need for virtual calls has skyrocketed. As more companies shift towards a fully remote work environment, they need to invest in web and video conferencing software, such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

Tech spending plans in 2021, by category.


Recruitment Statistic #7: 60% of Workers Would Consider Leaving Their Current Job for a Fully Remote One (Statista)

In the eyes of American workers, working from home is here to stay: 6 in 10 would leave the job they’re currently co-located with for one that’s 100% remote. Tellingly, it might be difficult to retain top talent if you can’t offer remote work.

Recruitment Statistic #8: 87% of Employers Say Remote Work Has Been a Success (PwC)

As COVID-19 forced organizations to shift to a remote work environment, there were a lot of skeptics. “They’ll watch TV all day,” they said. “They’ll be playing on their phones most of the time,” they said. As it turns out, remote work has been largely a success, with roughly 9 out of 10 employers agreeing.

Remote work success rates: employers & employees.


Job Posts

Recruitment Statistic #9: 67% of Job Seekers Want To See the Salary Included on Job Posts (Glassdoor)

Now, this recruitment stat seems pretty self-explanatory. After all, people want to know how much they’ll be making.

However, only 27% of companies publicly share salary ranges, according to LinkedIn.

Closely behind salary, are benefits — with 63% of job seekers wanting to see those in job posts.

Recruitment Statistic #10: Short Job Posts Receive 8.4% More Applicants (LinkedIn)

Just like in marketing, candidates make snap judgments on your job posting. They’ll just glance at the highlights and make up their mind on whether or not to apply.

Research from LinkedIn suggests that shorter job postings with no more than 300 words get the best results.

Shorter job posts get more applications.


Recruitment Statistic #11: Including Graphics and Video in Job Postings Can Increase Application Rates Up to 34% (CareerBuilder)

It might be a good idea to get your design team involved with your job postings on your careers page or on hiring platforms that allow for graphics and video.

According to research from CareerBuilder, you can get 13%-21% more applications by including your company logo or slogans in your job posting. And adding a video can boost applications by 34%.

Recruitment Statistic #12: Only 28% of Job Seekers Care About Company Culture When Reading a Job Post (LinkedIn)

Although culture is an important aspect of a person-company match, less than a third of people care to read about it. Remember, when it comes to applying to jobs, it’s a numbers game in the eyes of the job seeker. So they just want to cut straight to the job duties and benefits when they’re initially screening for jobs.


Recruitment Statistic #13: About 1 in 10 Organizations Have an “Excellent” Onboarding Experience for New Hires (Gallup)

Now, this recruitment statistic is pretty depressing. With only 1 out of 10 businesses delivering an excellent employee onboarding experience, there’s a lot of room for improvement here.

And you’ll discover how to receive an “excellent” rating real shortly.

Recruitment Statistic #14: A Poor Onboarding Experience Makes It Twice as Likely That an Employee Will Seek a New Job (Tata Consultancy Services)

If a new hire perceives your onboarding process as a negative experience, he or she will be twice as likely to start searching for a new place to work in the near future. Remember, onboarding is still part of that initial first impression that a new hire has on your company. And it’s your job to make sure you demonstrate care and respect to new hires and get them up to speed quickly.

Employee onboarding stages, 6 phases.


Recruitment Statistic #15: A Strong Onboarding Program Increases Employee Retention by 82% (TalentLMS)

Again, with a well-run onboarding program, employees are less likely to call it quits.

And some of the factors that you should focus on are:

  • Making new hires feel welcomed by colleagues
  • Ensuring that new hires feel prepared to do their job
  • Getting new hires up to speed on current projects
  • Providing guidance on best practices for carrying out job duties

You see, you can’t just hire someone and call it a day. Instead, you need to put a little time into making them feel assimilated into your work culture.

Recruitment Statistic #16: 58% of Companies Invest One Week or Less on Onboarding (TalentLMS)

Can you believe that? Almost 6 out of 10 people that get hired only get a week, at the most, to get up and running at full capacity.

TalentLMS found that 20% of training programs are just one day. What the heck?

Seriously, this is pretty shocking stuff.

Especially when you consider the fact that, according to Gallup, it takes about 12 months for a new hire to reach peak performance.

Onboarding duration, 2018 survey results.



Recruitment Statistic #17: 71% of Recruiters Say They Need Intelligent Tools To Help Manage Data (Entelo)

Recruiters spend a lot of time sourcing qualified candidates. So, as no surprise, the majority of them believe in the value of intelligent tools that can help with the hiring process.

To learn more about some recruitment technology, check out this article.

Recruitment Statistic #18: 30% of Organizations Use AI for Recruiting (Gartner)

Honestly, this statistic is a little surprising. There are a lot of AI-based solutions out there tailor-made for recruiting purposes, so I’d imagine they’d be more popular. Plus, the benefits of using AI in recruiting are great.

According to findings from Gartner, HR professionals that use AI see improvements in:

  • Data-based decision making
  • Employee experience
  • Automating repetitive or manual tasks
  • Cost savings

Recruitment Statistic #19: AI-Based Recruiting Software Can Cut Cost per Screen Down 75% (Ideal)

Between reading resumes and scheduling interviews, HR reps can save a ton of time by automating these manual tasks. Research from talent intelligence platform Ideal shows that early adopters of AI recruiting software see their cost per screen decrease by 75%, along with some other benefits (see visual below).

AI recruiting benefits: time savings, cost reduction.



Download the “19 Stats Reshaping the Recruitment Industry ” so you won’t forget to take action on it later. Click here to download it now.

Knowledge is power.

Yes, that’s a cliche, but it rings true.

With the recruitment stats on this list, you have a more accurate perception of the hiring landscape you’re dealing with today.

We’ve dug into the survey data out there so you don’t have to.

And using this data, you now know:

  • What kind of challenges modern businesses are facing with their recruitment process.
  • The state of remote work — including its popularity and effectiveness.
  • How you should craft your job postings to get a wider pool of talented applicants.
  • Why you need to invest in a superior employee onboarding program.
  • The benefits that technology, especially AI, can add to your recruiting process.

Now, when it comes to recruiting marketing talent, there’s an easier way to hire qualified individuals that will bring you outstanding results. You could simply sign up for Growbo’s all-in-one digital marketing services — and put all your digital marketing projects on autopilot. And if you’re wondering how qualified we are, check out all the testimonials we get from our clients.

Now, tell me something…

Which recruitment stats jumped out at you?

Let me know in the comments below.

Keep Growin’, stay focused.

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