What's Real vs. What's Hype in AI: 5 Expert Insights


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The AI revolution is in full swing, and with it comes a party of excitement and a side-eye of skepticism.

AI promises to take our jobs, make us smarter, and maybe even predict our next pizza order (although let's be real, that's probably not happening anytime soon). 

But amidst the hype, how do we separate the real deal from the snake oil salesmen slithering around the internet?  

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the buzzword of the decade. From chatbots to self-driving cars, AI is infiltrating every aspect of our lives. But with great power comes gre‍

In this article, we'll explore five key insights to help you navigate the AI landscape:

  1. Cut through the noise to reveal what's truly transformative about AI.
  2. Dissect the reality from the hype surrounding AI.
  3. Gain insights from experts into the true potential and pitfalls of AI.
  4. Understand how AI can benefit businesses like agencies, SaaS companies, and e-commerce.
  5. Unravel the truth behind AI's capabilities and limitations.

Before we dive in, let's set the stage. Imagine this: You're an entrepreneur, bombarded with AI tools promising to double your productivity overnight. But after investing time and money, you find yourself stuck with a glitchy, ineffective system. Frustrating, right? 

This is where our insights come in handy. Let's unravel the truth behind AI's capabilities and limitations.

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AI Agents: The Future of Automation 

The AI revolution is in full swing, and it's got everyone talking – from tech enthusiasts to everyday folks like you and me. Some people are excited about the potential of AI to transform our lives, while others are wary of its potential for misuse. But amidst all the hype and skepticism, one thing is for sure: AI is here to stay. In fact, a recent study by McKinsey & Company predicts that AI could contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. That's a staggering number, and it highlights the potential impact AI will have across industries.


One of the most exciting areas of AI development is the rise of AI agents. These intelligent software programs are designed to automate tasks, learn from data, and even interact with humans in a natural way. Imagine having a little digital assistant who can handle all your repetitive tasks, from scheduling meetings and managing your calendar to generating reports and analyzing data. This is the future that AI agents promise, and it's a future that could revolutionize the way we work and live.

However, it's important to remember that AI agents are still under development. While some companies are already using AI agents to streamline their operations, others are still in the early stages of exploration. Just like any new technology, there are bound to be bumps along the road. But the potential benefits are undeniable, and businesses that embrace AI agents early stand to gain a significant competitive advantage.

Why It Matters 

AI agents are more than just chatbots. They follow structured workflows, ensuring consistent and reliable performance. This is a significant leap from traditional automation tools, which often require constant human intervention. With AI agents, you can set it and forget it, confident that your virtual team is hard at work.

Here are some of the key benefits of using AI agents:

  • Increased productivity: AI agents can automate repetitive tasks, freeing up your time to focus on more strategic work.
  • Improved accuracy: AI agents can analyze data and identify patterns that humans might miss, leading to more accurate results.
  • Reduced costs: AI agents can help to reduce labor costs and improve operational efficiency.
  • 24/7 availability: AI agents can work around the clock, providing support and assistance whenever you need it.


Of course, there are also some challenges associated with AI agents. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Cost of implementation: Developing and deploying AI agents can be expensive, especially for smaller businesses.
  • Data security: AI agents rely on data to function, so it's important to ensure that your data is secure.
  • Limited scope: AI agents are currently best suited for automating well-defined tasks. They may struggle with more complex or nuanced tasks.

Despite these challenges, the future of AI agents is bright. As technology continues to develop, AI agents will become more sophisticated and capable. They have the potential to transform the way we work, live, and interact with the world around us. So, are AI agents the future of automation? Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure: they're a technology worth keeping an eye on.

AI Chatbots: Overhyped and Underwhelming? (Or Should You Stick to Tried-and-True Customer Service?) 

While AI chatbots have garnered significant attention, their practical utility often falls short. Many startups tout their chatbot solutions with promises of revolutionizing customer service, but in reality, these tools frequently lack sophistication and depth. According to a recent study by Gartner, in 2024, 70% of customer service interactions will involve emerging technologies, such as chatbots and virtual assistants, up from 25% in 2022. This suggests that while chatbots have a role to play, they shouldn't be seen as a complete replacement for human interaction.


The Hype

Consider the GPT-Store by OpenAI—a platform allowing users to create custom AI agents. Sounds impressive, right? However, one of their initial offerings was a "soap buddy" to assist with laundry advice. While this might be a fun novelty, it's easy to see why such applications might not live up to the hype of transforming entire customer service experiences.

The Reality

The true potential of chatbots lies in their ability to handle specific, well-defined tasks. Think of them as efficient assistants who can answer frequently asked questions, schedule appointments, or provide basic troubleshooting steps. At Growbo, we recognize this and focus on creating AI agents (like our Growbos!) that adhere to strict workflows. This ensures they perform useful functions efficiently, rather than just being a novelty that frustrates customers. By leveraging chatbots for these targeted tasks, businesses can free up human customer service representatives to handle more complex inquiries and build stronger relationships with customers.

Generative AI Leading to AGI: A Double-Edged Sword 

Generative AI, which includes models like GPT-4, is capable of creating text, images, and even music. This technology has sparked debates about whether it could lead to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)—a machine with human-like cognitive abilities.

The Optimistic View

Proponents argue that generative AI is a stepping stone to AGI. These models can already perform complex tasks, suggesting that true AGI might not be far off. Imagine an AI that can learn, adapt, and improve itself autonomously!

The Skeptical Perspective

However, this optimism is tempered by practical challenges. Current AI models are excellent at pattern recognition and data generation but fall short in areas requiring deep understanding and reasoning. The journey to AGI is likely to be long and fraught with obstacles.

The Decline of Google Search Dominance

The internet landscape is undergoing a subtle tremor, and Google's search throne is starting to wobble. Artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as a powerful challenger, and its influence is seeping into the way we search for information.

AI's Seismic Impact

ChatGPT, a shining example of AI's potential, bypasses the traditional search model altogether. Instead of directing users to a sea of links, it delivers direct answers to their queries. This streamlined approach is proving particularly attractive to users seeking quick and concise information. The convenience factor is undeniable, and it's chipping away at Google's hold on the search landscape.

The User Exodus: A Shift in Preferences

The ease and efficiency of AI-powered tools are enticing users to migrate away from Google's search engine. This shift isn't just theoretical - it's already having a tangible impact. As AI-generated summaries gain traction, website traffic patterns are demonstrably changing. Users are increasingly opting for the curated convenience offered by AI, bypassing the traditional web exploration process. A linkedin article also explains that the Gen Z users are turning to social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok for search and discovery purposes.

The Business Response: Adapting to the New Reality

For businesses navigating this evolving landscape, the key takeaway is clear: SEO strategies need to adapt. Authenticity and brand trust will become the cornerstones of success in the face of AI's growing influence. High-quality, reliable content will be the lifeblood of maintaining visibility. Businesses that prioritize creating trustworthy and informative content will be best positioned to thrive in this new era of search.

Investment Frenzy: Boom or Bust?

The AI sector has seen unprecedented investment levels, with companies pouring billions into developing new models and applications. But will these investments pay off?


Innovative AI solutions have the potential to transform industries, creating new markets and opportunities. Companies that effectively harness AI can achieve significant competitive advantages.


However, the rapid pace of investment has also led to a bubble-like atmosphere. Many AI startups might not deliver on their promises, leading to potential losses for investors. The key will be identifying genuinely innovative solutions versus those riding the hype wave.

Bonus Insight: The Dead Internet Theory

Here’s a fun yet slightly eerie bonus insight—the Dead Internet Theory. This theory suggests that much of the internet is now populated by bots rather than real users.


The Theory

Proponents argue that as AI becomes more advanced, it's increasingly used to generate content, comments, and even entire user profiles. This creates an internet that's less human and more machine-driven.


If true, this theory has profound implications for digital marketing and user engagement. Businesses will need to find new ways to verify genuine user interactions and ensure their content reaches real people.


AI is a powerful tool with the potential to revolutionize industries. However, distinguishing between what’s real and what’s hype is crucial. By understanding the practical applications and limitations of AI, businesses can make informed decisions and harness the true power of this technology.

So, what can we learn from this potential shakeup in the search landscape? Here are some crucial points to remember:

  • AI is a force to be reckoned with: Its influence is undeniable, and it's fundamentally changing how users interact with information.
  • Convenience is king: Users are drawn to the ease and efficiency of AI-powered tools like ChatGPT.
  • SEO needs an upgrade: Businesses must adapt their strategies to prioritize authenticity, brand trust, and high-quality content.
  • The future is user-centric: Cater to the evolving needs of users who increasingly value curated information.

Have insights or questions? Share them in the comments below! And if you're ready to explore how AI can transform your business, get early access to Growbo—your AI growth automation platform.

Keep Growin’, stay focused.


Images Credits:

  • https://tech.co/news/mckinsey-ai-economic-potential
  • https://www.simform.com/blog/ai-agent/
  • https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201207005691/en/Global-Chatbot-Market-Value-to-Increase-by-1.11-Billion-during-2020-2024-Business-Continuity-Plan-and-Forecast-for-the-New-Normal-Technavio
  • https://digs.net/the-dead-internet-theory/

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