How to Create a Perfect Email Recruiting Template


Email recruiting template guide.

How many quarterly, monthly, or even weekly recruiting emails do you send to your email list to recruit new hires?...

Uh huh… Uh huh (nods head solemnly) .

And how many applicants actually end up applying to your job openings?

Hmmm, that’s what I thought… .

After perfecting our hiring funnel, I can now reveal my secret to enticing hundreds of monthly applicants...

And it is to crafting one perfect email recruiting template.

The recruiting emails I send out for different job positions have something very special in common.

And if you’re going to write a successful email recruiting template, you’ve got to understand this one special thing ...

In today’s article:

  • I’ll reveal what the “special something” is that makes recruiting emails actually recruit.
  • You’ll learn the easy 12 steps for writing an email recruiting template that’ll attract new applicants.
  • Plus, you can tailor this template to absolutely any job position you’re looking to fill in your company PLUS you get to download it for free.

It’s now time to find out how to craft the perfect email recruiting template and what its “special thing” is...

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Does Hiring Via a Recruiting Email Actually Bring In Qualified Talent?

The answer is yes.

You’d be surprised to know what a simple recruiting email can do for your hiring funnel.

Newsletters are not only great for promoting your content.

They help you recruit talent for your job openings.

You see, an email or newsletter drives people from the email they’re reading to wherever you want to take them.

In the case of an email recruiting template, you want to take people to your jobs page so they can apply for any job position you’re looking to fill.

Take our jobs page as an example.

AutoGrow job openings.  Learn more.

When sending a recruiting email, our goal is to drive applicants to our careers landing page, browse the job position they’re interested in applying to, and engage with our brand.

Because they’re going to see your logo, they’re going to see who’s behind the brand, and they’re going to see what your core offer is.

AutoGrow careers landing page.

And just the same way you boost your website’s lead generation, this perfect email recruiting template will help you nurture the relationship with potential applicants until turning them into team members.

For example, according to McKinsey, by sending your newsletters on a regular basis, you can grow customers by 40X more than Facebook or Twitter, and sales by 333%.

Again, all by sending an email.

So to sum up, the same way our proven skills test template helps you evaluate a candidate’s current skill set and true potential, this recruiting email can do a lot more than just getting your recruiting email into someone's inbox.

When done right, this email will help you attract business-driven people who are a fit for your organization.

And now that you’re eager to send your own recruiting email for hiring new talent, here are the steps to follow or the key elements you need in order to craft your own email recruiting template.

Best of all? You get to tailor it to any job position you’re looking to fill.

Step #1 of Your Email Recruiting Template: Write Engaging Subject Lines for A/B Testing That Potential Applicants Can’t Resist

The best way to engage potential applicants with your email recruiting template is by writing compelling subject lines. This is, by the way, a super simple way to grow traffic with your existing email list.

Subject lines are key to getting people to read your newsletters and recruiting emails.

For example, if you’re looking to promote your content, then you gotta write blog post titles that our brains are hard-wired to click.

Because a reader’s behavior and whether they open your email or not is largely based on subject lines.

In fact, research by Invespcro shows that 47% of people opened an email based on subject lines alone. And 69% of recipients reported an email as spam based only on the subject line.

And for writing engaging subject lines for your email recruiting template, there are plenty of email subject line strategies you can implement.

However, be sure to call out the fact that you're hiring (duh) and don’t forget to include the actual position you're hiring for.

Be blunt about it. Clarity over cleverness.

Because if you don't, qualified experts may quickly gloss over the callout and miss the posting entirely.

Check out the example below:

Hiring AutoGrow Quality Assurance Specialist.

Some of the tactics you’ll use for your recruiting email subject lines are:

Email promoting flexible pricing.

  • Write different variations of your subject lines for each email (we write 20 for each one).

Email recruiting template guide.

  • Personalize the subject lines

Email recruiting template. Job opening.

  • Benefit focused (what will the readers get, not what will your company get)
  • Use brand-building (show your applicants why your audience loves you)
  • Add scarcity/urgency
  • Phrase your job opening as big news

New service, marketplace, check now.

These tactics are a really good exercise for nailing the right subject line.

And here we have 47 of the best subject lines examples you can find inspiration from.

Then, when you have crafted your perfect subject lines, find the ones that work best by A/B testing them.

A/B testing your subject lines lets you determine which of your subject lines has a higher open and click rate. And with that data, you’ll be able to optimize and improve your future subject lines.

In our experience, around 75% of the time, the email with the highest open rate would actually end up getting the highest click rate.

And if you’re looking to send your recruiting email to an audience of 10k or more, then use 4 different variations of your subject lines.

One way to help pick out which of your variations to test is by using the Advanced Marketing Institute tool—a headline analyzer.

Headline analyzer tool.

It analyzes your subject lines and gives you an overview of the Emotional Marketing Value (EMV) score.

Headline EMV score: 50%. Spiritual.

Step #2 of Your Email Recruiting Template: Position Your Company From a Place of Success to Instill Confidence in the Applicants

Job seekers want to join a successful company, not one that's desperately seeking to fill a role.


So be sure to use the first few sentences to position your company as a success.

But as simple as it sounds, it also requires your company to actually be successful. It’s not only about saying in your email “Hey, we’re a super successful company.”

It’s about actually being who you’re saying you are.

And if you’re reading this article, I’m sure you’re serious about your business and about your recruitment and selection process.

So when crafting your perfect email recruiting template, make sure to establish authority and position your organization as a trustworthy one.

Entice job seekers to actually apply for your job opening.

Show them in a few sentences how great your company is and how they’ll benefit from being part of your team.

Take a look at the recruiting email we recently sent out to recruit Quality Assurance Specialists.

AutoGrow job opening announcement.

Step #3 of Your Email Recruiting Template: Add Urgency & Scarcity to Make Job Seekers Apply Faster

This step is really simple.

Add a bit of urgency to your email to drive applicants to apply faster.

You see, scarcity is the idea that there’s a limited supply of something. In the case of your recruiting email, limited spots available for applying for a job role.

FOMO, or Fear of Missing Out, is an important psychological aspect you can use in your recruiting email template.

Because the same way this helps potential customers’ buying decisions, in your hiring funnel it helps to get more candidates to apply faster.

FOMO describes the social fear or general anxiety that comes with the idea of missing out on an experience, event, or job opening.

In fact, Worchel, Lee, and Adewole showed that scarcity/FOMO has a real, observable effect on people.

They showed 2 groups of students the same 10 cookies in 2 jars and asked them to rate the cookies’ value.

Initially, both jars were full and had similar value scores, but then one jar had 8 cookies removed.

When asked which jar they preferred, most of the students chose the jar with only 2 cookies remaining.

The bottom line is, show your audience how popular your company is and communicate that there are limited spots available for applying.

Something as simple as "this position just opened up but we’re already receiving hundreds of applications."

Take a look at the example below.

Open Quality Assurance position.

Step #4 of Your Email Recruiting Template: Announce the Job Position You’re Looking to Fill

Don’t make readers have to scroll down to the bottom of your email to find out which is the job opening you’re recruiting for.

Cut to the chase and include the job position early on in the copy.

Then, make it big and bold to make it stand out more.

Take a look at the example below.

Quality Assurance Specialist position.

Step #5 of Your Email Recruiting Template: Add a General Description of the Job Position & Who’d Be a Fit for It

Add a general description of the job position you’re looking to fill.

Don’t go into so much detail since they’ll learn more about it on your jobs page.

See how we add an overview and more general description in our recruiting email?

Quality Assurance Specialist job opening.

And see how we add the description more in-depth on our jobs page?

Quality Assurance Specialist job opening.

Adding an enticing job description is actually one of the expert tips for recruiting virtual employees.

Then, describe the type of person that'd be good for the role. Speak clearly and directly about who you’re looking to hire and who would not be a fit.

The more clear you are in this section, the better qualified applicants you’ll attract.

In fact, 53% of applicants want job descriptions to be described as clearly as possible according to CareerBuilder.

Job seeker communication expectations.


Also, add a brief company overview with a link to learn more if needed.

Include important details about your company’s culture, mission, vision, and values.

This will help you attract candidates who are interested in the same values of your company.

Step #6 of Your Email Recruiting Template: Add an Overview of the Benefits Applicants Will Get When Hired

Remember how your subject lines were benefit focused and not company focused?

Here you’ll develop that a little bit more.

Avoid sounding too salesy but do sell job seekers on why they should apply for this job position.

Remember, you don’t want to go into too much detail here since you’ll be developing each section more on your jobs page.

Step #7 of Your Email Recruiting Template: Emphasize the Value of the Job Opening You’re Looking to Fill to Encourage Potential Hires to Apply

Emphasize not only your brand’s core values but the value of the job role you’re looking to fill.

This is very important because you want job team members to feel valuable and important within your organization.

For instance, highlight the value that the job opening you’re looking to fill will bring to the team and company.

Encourage job seekers to apply by letting them know how fundamental and what a key part of the team they’ll be when hired.

Something as simple as "This job is actually really really important."

Take a look at the example below.

Crucial role; last line of defense.

Step #8 of Your Email Recruiting Template: Add Call to Actions—the Bridges to Drive Applicants to Your Jobs Page

The same way you boost conversions with your call-to-action buttons in your sales funnels, your email recruiting template must include CTAs to make job seekers actually click and take action.

In these call to action buttons or links, you’ll simply invite job seekers to click to learn more about your job opening and to eventually apply to it.

It’s the exact same way you add CTAs in your email sales funnels or landing pages.

For instance, make the CTA text bold and add color to it so it stands out.

Learn about a Quality Assurance role.

After all, you’re looking for people to click on them.

Step #9 of Your Email Recruiting Template: Add an FAQ Section to Clarify Any Questions Applicants Must Have

There’s a key element of any high-converting landing page and that’s an FAQ section.

And for your recruiting emails, it has the exact same effect.

Now, no matter if you’re looking to sell your products or services or a job opening in your company—it doesn’t matter.

You need an FAQ section on your recruiting email.

Because when a job seeker opens your email and reads about the job opening you’re looking to hire for, they might still have some questions.

So here, you’re eliminating the guesswork.

You’ll add a short section with some questions and answers where you’ll describe the position a little bit more in-depth, you’ll list out more detailed requirements (education level, type of experience, other important minimum qualifications), and what next steps there are after applying.

Take a look at the example below.

Quality Assurance Specialist job opening. Apply now.

Step #10 of Your Email Recruiting Template: Call to Action + Scarcity/Urgency Again

One more time add a CTA with some urgency and scarcity to your email.

This will give one last push to job seekers to actually click and apply.

Email with job opportunity.

Step #11 of Your Email Recruiting Template: Pick Your Email Design Template

Keep your email recruiting template design simple.

Because minimalism is often most persuasive. And people associate a higher level of sophistication with simpler design.

For instance, don’t try to overcomplicate your email.

93% of all communication is visual according to Venngage.

Visual content stats, impact on engagement.


And it’s super important to have a design template that’s pleasant to the eye. But most importantly is the content in it.

So don’t spend too much time on perfecting your template design instead of just launching it. That is, to put it bluntly, a stupid waste of time.

What matters the most here is providing job seekers with the information they need to know about the job position you’re looking to fill.

Step #12 of Your Email Recruiting Template: Before Crafting Your Recruiting Email, Focus on What Works (This is That “Special Something”)

Creating your email recruiting template is not about sitting down and writing absolutely anything that comes to your mind.


Every single sentence you write down must convey value to the reader. Otherwise people may get bored and will put your emails into the trash or spam folder.

And guess what? They won’t apply for your job opening.

So when you create your email recruiting template, stop after every sentence you write and ask yourself, “Is this sentence actually adding value to the reader?”

It’s funny because I’m actually doing that right now. I’m questioning if every single sentence I’m writing in this article will add value to you =)

But anyway, you won’t believe how effective this best practice is.

It lets you determine if what you’re writing is worth mentioning or cutting out entirely.

It lets you send your job seekers only high-quality content—all by simply being critical and judging the messaging you’re creating.

Because in the end, what determines whether or not job seekers will actually apply for the role is if it’s high quality and valuable.

And this is the “special something” your email recruiting template must have in order to get read and applied to.


Download your free template to craft the perfect recruiting email to hire business-driven talent

As you can see, sending out a well-made recruiting email is not only about hiring a person. It’s also about creating rapport and building trust with them to get them interested in your company.

There are some important things to consider when writing your email recruiting template and here they are:

  • Put some time into writing down compelling subject lines that’ll make people actually want to open and read your emails and then apply for the role.
  • In order to build trust with job seekers, highlight the value that the job position adds to your company, answer their questions in an FAQ section, and show them why you are a successful company they’d want to work with.
  • Add urgency and scarcity to make people apply faster.
  • Create a simple design.
  • Focus on what works and focus the copy on the reader and how they’d benefit from being hired (don’t make it about your company but about them).
  • Add a CTA so people can actually land on your jobs page and learn more about the job opening.
  • Tailor this template to absolutely any job position you’re looking to fill in your company.

And if you just want to avoid having to write this email recruiting template and focus solely on your business, then reach out to Growbo.

We take the hassles of hiring off your plate. Just delegate to us any digital marketing task you want to be completed for you and we’ll have our team of pros do the work for ya’.

Now tell me something, are you attracting a fair amount of skilled applicants with your current recruiting email?

Let me know in the comments below.

Keep Growin’, stay focused.

Matt signature


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