The 33-Day Challenge


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In the world of entrepreneurship and marketing, staying adaptable and focused is crucial for achieving success and growth.

Picture this: you're chatting with an old friend, and the topic suddenly shifts to politics. You find yourself caught in a whirlwind of opinions. 

Sound familiar? This isn't just about politics; it's a lesson in keeping an open mind—a skill that's vital in business. Just like in marketing, where trends shift rapidly, being flexible and open to new ideas can set you apart.

Embark on a 33-day journey with us to enhance your focus and elevate your business strategies. You'll uncover how to turn everyday challenges into opportunities for remarkable growth.

Here’s what I’m sharing with you in today’s video and article:

  1. The Importance of Focus and Execution
  2. How to Structure a 33-Day Challenge
  3. The Power of a Unified Vision for Your Business

Ready to ditch the chaos and embrace the challenge? Let's dive in…

Want to be laser-focused on what truly matters in your business? We’re here to help. We have available spots for our done-for-you service. Schedule your call today to get started.

The Impact of External Stressors on Business

I recently recorded a video about the upcoming presidential election, including a breakdown of the first debate between Trump and Harris. The unpredictability of the election results is concerning, and I believe there are two likely outcomes: a chaotic election result or a decisive win for Trump, largely due to the strength of his campaign strategy compared to Harris's.

As we approach this contentious election season, I feel the stress and uncertainty weighing on both personal and professional fronts. Over the past year, I faced several challenges but despite these, struggles, I'm eager to refocus and recommit to my business goals.

Curious about the 33-day business challenge? Think of it as a boot camp for your business, but without the yelling drill sergeant.  It's all about getting your focus and execution skills in shape. 

The 33-Day Challenge: A Call to Focus and Action

To combat the distractions and uncertainties, I’m initiating a 33-day challenge. This is about committing to important work and blocking out distractions. The goal is to shift from overthinking to taking action, ensuring that I stay focused as I did when my company first reached the million-dollar mark.

Drawing on the allegory of the cave, it's crucial for business people to remain objective and open to new information, especially when it conflicts with their biases. By doing so, we can learn from the strategies of both political campaigns and apply those insights to our businesses.

Why 33 days, you ask? Research suggests it takes about a month to form a new habit. But hey, we're overachievers, so let's add a few extra days for good measure. It's like giving your business a turbo boost.

How do you get started with the challenge?

First things first, set a clear goal. What do you want to achieve in these 33 days? Maybe it's boosting your productivity by 20% or finally launching that new product. Whatever it is, write it down. Studies suggest that people who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them


Next, break it down. You wouldn't eat an entire pizza in one bite, right? (Or maybe you would, no judgment here.) The same goes for your business goals. Divide your big goal into smaller, manageable tasks. This way, you can tackle each one without feeling overwhelmed.

Benefits of the Challenge

Despite the ups and downs of the last year, I'm excited to refocus. From an outsider's perspective, my business may look successful, but I know there's more potential for growth. The key moving forward is better focus and execution.

  1. Focus. It's like having a superpower. When you're focused, you can get more done in a day than most people do in a week. Studies suggest that businesses with a strong focus on their goals can increase productivity by up to 25%. 
  1. Execution. It's all about turning those brilliant ideas of yours into reality.  Companies that excel in execution are often the ones that see the most growth. So, if you're tired of seeing your plans gather dust, this challenge might just be what you need.
  • Boost Focus: Increase productivity by up to 25%.
  • Improve Execution: Turn ideas into reality.
  • Personal Growth: Boost confidence and discover capabilities.

The key takeaway here is clear goals and focus lead to success.

You're probably thinking, "Do I really need to commit to this 33-day business challenge?" Well, let me put it this way: It's like when you know you should eat your veggies, but all you want is that slice of cake. You know what's good for you, but sometimes you need a little push.

Here's the thing: Studies show that people who set clear goals and actually stick to them are way more likely to succeed. So, if you're ready to see some real change, now's the time to dive in.

Goal setting is one of the ways to turn an average performer into a top performer. In a research in 2021, employees who set goals are 14.2 times more likely to be inspired at work and 3.6 times more likely to be committed to their organization, which can trickle down to good or better performance.

Think of this challenge as your chance to finally get things done. It's not just about ticking boxes; it's about transforming your business and yourself. 

  • Take Action: Commit to the challenge and see results.
  • Stay Motivated: Remember the benefits.
  • Start Now: Your future self will thank you.

Launching the 33-Day Challenge

As part of this 33-day challenge, I will define clear goals, including consistently producing high-quality content. I aim to focus on high-value work and eliminate distractions, such as social media, which can often feel like a waste of time. Reflecting on the future, I want to ensure that my hours are spent on meaningful activities.

Over the next 33 days, my time with friends and family will take a backseat as I work diligently. My vision is to transform our million-dollar business into a multi-billion dollar company. This period is about planting the seeds for future growth. I’ve realized that to achieve greatness, sacrifices are necessary, even if it means living an unbalanced life.

Sharing the Journey

I want to share my journey through this 33-day challenge, relating my experiences back to business for maximum value. Right now, we are focused on three main directions:

  1. Core Done-For-You Service: Offering an all-in-one team of professionals for marketing tasks without the hassle of hiring. Check it out at
  2. Grobo AI Platform: We’ve launched a premium version for AI automation in marketing tasks, which you can find at
  3. Internal Tool Development: Creating tools to accelerate our coding process, aiming to contribute meaningfully to the AI landscape.

We need to integrate these three directions into a cohesive platform. The market is changing, and I believe we are entering an era of smaller companies and more entrepreneurs. This challenge is about building towards a multi-billion dollar company and simplifying the delegation of tasks for businesses.

Vision and Tagline

Our core vision is to make it easy for businesses to delegate tasks and achieve high-quality results. Our tagline, "Make Ideas Real" encapsulates this vision, allowing businesses to delegate various tasks like automation, content creation, and web design without the traditional hiring headaches.

If you want to get great work done for you, then you HAVE to download this free guide: 29 Examples of Marketing Projects You Can Delegate to AutoGrow to see how we can help you save time and money.

The Growcial Network: A Community for Entrepreneurs

I’m also excited about what I call the Growcial Network—a genuine social network for entrepreneurs focused on learning, growth, and supporting each other, not just vanity metrics.

I hope you’ll join me on this journey. If you’d like to learn more about our done-for-you service, visit and sign up for $7 for your first 7 days. I welcome your feedback on this article and video and look forward to hearing from you. Until next time, keep growing and let’s stay focused together. The 33 days start now! See you in the next one.

Keep Growin,' stay focused,


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